Devised by: Jerry Payne
Tape Dates: March 12,
1987-November 14, 1997
Tape Location: Tyne Tee Studios, Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
SYNOPSIS: Players have to solve crossword puzzles, like the American version. Two teams of two, an ordinary member of the
public paired with a celebrity, would compete for points. On the computer board
was a giant crossword puzzle, all the clues leading to the master solution.
This was the board
that was shown, much more sufficient than the pilot hosted by George
Fenneman. Teams took it turns to
choose a clue, a correct answer giving them one point for each letter in the
word and the chance to solve the keyword for a bonus of ten points. Like the American Version however, there
were special rounds included the Song round, where all the clues were lyrics in
the first line or two of a well-known song, the Anagram round where the first
letter of each clue formed the clue word, and the Mystery round, where if you
can find the keyword after one clue (with no clue word given) you won a
cordless phone.
The team with
the most points after the siren went through to the Crossfire round, a ten clue
crossword and they had 60 seconds to finish it in. If they did they won a
vacation, if they lost they won consolation prizes. The same two celebrities were on throughout the week just like
the American Version, so competition was played out.
A picture of host Tom O’Connor